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Friday, December 21, 2012


Automatically publish your posts links to Facebook, twitter

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Automatically publish your blog posts' links to social media i.e facebook, twitter, linkedin etc and attract visitors from social media with simple steps. Every blogger use this trick and i want to share it online. Since we know the importance of social medias' sites like facebook, twitter, linkedin, pintrest etc in the SEO field and millions of visitors are online in these sites at any time, so with this trick you can bring many visitors to your website or blog. This is the easiest way to share your post link with description about your post to social sites soon after publishing it to your blog or websites. With this your fans on those sites when log in to their social accounts they see your posts links as well as other stuff behalf their friends on social websites, for example you have set up the rout to your facebook fan page and you publish a new post, then it is automatically publish to your facebook fan page and your fans
(who liked your fan page) see a your recent post link with description about your post on their facebook timeline and they definitely click your posts link and visit your blog. similarly you can publish your post to other social sites like facebook i.e twitter, linkedin etc.

How does it work?

The dlvr.it is a website like RSS graffiti which requires your RSS feed or other than RSS like google feed burner and makes it as a source platform and automatically redirect it to your managed/desired destination platform absolutely free. Once you signed up in dlvr.it for free you have to setup your rout in two steps and you have done.
  1. You will make your source i.e which one of your blog or site you want to publish its post directly to Social networks?  
  2. You have to select the destination i.e where to publish your post link along with description? you have to select social site.

Why dlvr.it?

This is the easiest way to publish your posts directly to your social networks accounts and share it with your friends, followers and fans because except this way you have to follow separate methods for each social site like if you want to automatically publish your post on facebook then you will manage RSS Graffiti for facebook only, similarly for other social site there will be other methods while dlvr.it provide you one platform through which you can publish your posts to all social sites. Besides this dlvr.it provide you statistics about your visitors comes to your blog from social sites. Through dlvr.it you can redirect your socials accounts to each others. You can sign up in dlvr.it in less than 15 seconds and it does not require email verification as well. Once you signed up in dlvr.it and managed your source platform then you can add more than one destinations at any time by just signing into you dlvr.it account.


1. Go to dlvr.it > enter your email ID and password > click on sign up.
sign up in dlvr.it
2. Now enter your blog feed generally a blog feed address is like below

enter your blog feed address here

3. Now select your destination by clicking on any one of the icons, you can add more than one destination later.
select your destination to direct your posts there
4. Sign in into your account if you are not signed in and click on allow button there.

5. Now select your destination from the drop down menu, for example if you want to publish your posts links to your facebook fan page then select your facebook fan page name, if you have not managed your facebook fan page then create your facebook fan page first, however you publish your posts links along with description to your facebook timeline as well but I will suggest you to redirect you posts links to your facebook fan page. Similarly if you want to publish your post links to twitter or linkedin then you should select the corresponding user names. After selecting your destination from the dropdown menu, click on Next and you have done.

How to add more destinations?

Just go to dlvr.it and log in by click on the log in button on top right, you will be directed to your dlvr.it rout like my rout in below image.
my rout (source+destination)
and click on the add button on your destination a pop up window will be appear like below.

choose your destination
Select your destination from the pop up window the other process is the same as above.

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