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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Basic SEO settings in blogspot blogs

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Get best search result and rank for your blogspot blog with basic SEO settings in your blogspot blog in less than 5 minutes. You are lucky that you have your blog in blogger i.e blogspot because this  is the best advantage of blogger that you can do these settings in only 5 minutes. Every blogspot blogger whose blog you noticed in Google search results have done Basic SEO (Search Engines Optimization) settings in there blogspot blogs. Many bloggers call it as "Search Prefference Settings". You should do this settings in your blogspot blog as without these settings your blog is not able to appear in search results, which means your efforts are
aimless as because a blog is to share your ideas, products, services etc online. So I strongly recommend you to perform these settings in your blogspot blog and increase your blog traffic. To Set up your blogspot blogs just follow simple steps with image instructions. You can do these setting in less than 5 minutes.


1. First go to you Blogger Dashboard > sign in if you are are signed in > and click on the drop down menu like below image.
search prefference settings in blogspot blog
2.  Now click on "Setting" from the the drop down menu like below image.
step 2 search prefference settings in blogspot blog
3. Now click on "Search prefferences".
Step 3 search prefference settings in blogspot blog

Meta tags Descriptions;

4. Now click edit on meta tag description select yes and give your search descriptions of less than 150 characters click save.
Meta Tags description settings in blogspot blog
After enabling and saving your description under Meta Tag then another tab namely "Search Description" will be appear in your post editor in which you have to type about your post description, for example if your post is about Nelson Mandela you can write such a words like " who is nelson mandella, where was nelson mandella from, etc".
search prefference tab in blogspot post editor

Errors and Redirections;

A. Custom Page Not Found;

Custom Page Not Found Error 404: Many time it happens that search engines show your post link in search results while you have already deleted that post and does not exist that post in your blog So in this situation when a searcher click on your post title then he faces an error called as "404 Error" because he can not find his desired post and become disappointed from your blog in case you did not enable Errors and redirection. these descriptions will bee appear to searcher instead of 404 error. To set up this follow step 5.

5. Click on edit "Custom Page Not Found" and write your desired description and click save it
errors and redirection setup in blogspot

B. Custom Redirect;

Custom Redirect: Means that you have changed your permalink(main link of your post) of your post and search engines still shows your old permalink then you should redirect your old permalink to the new one, To setup Custom Redirect follow the 6th step.

6. Custom Redirect

Custom Redirections setting in blogspot blogs

Crawlers and indexing;

A. Custom robots.txt;

Custom robots.txt; When you want the search engines robot to not index any page of your blog then you should enter an xml code but I recommend you to not mess with this setting.

B. Custom robots header tags:

Custom robots header tags: Just do these settings like below image many people do mark all which create difficulties to search engines' robots. I have also avoid marking all do like below image.

custom robot header tags setting in blogger blogs
the above setting is very important but remember doing all these settings do not mean that your blog will be appear search engines soon you have to wait at least 5 days you are still lucky that you have blog in blogspot otherwise other bloggers who have their blogs in other platforms like wordpress, weebly etc, their blogs appear after more than 10 days.
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