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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


How to create Facebook fan page for a blog?

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how to create facebook fan page
Many Facebook users have created their Facebook fan page for all Facebook users especially for their friends and family, some people reveal and advertise their services, websites and products through Facebook because Facebook is one of the most popular sites of the world. You can get alot of traffic from the Facebook to your blog and I think it is must for every blogger to create Facebook fan page and My this post is for all those newbies bloggers who did not create their Facebook fan page yet. I am going to tell you a few simple and easy steps in order to create your face book fan page.

1.  First of all Click here to go to facebook fan page creator page. You will be directed to a page like below and click on the "Brand and Product" thumbnail. 
step 1 how to create facebook fan page
2. Then select "website" from the drop down menu, then type your Facebook fan page name, then read facebook pages terms and check it, and at last hit the "Get Started" button.
step 2 how to create facebook fan page
3. Now fill the required field boxes like image below, if you have already a facebook account click on "I already have a Facebook account".
step 3 how to create facebook fan page
4. Now type your Facebook ID and password like below image and hit the log in button.
step 4 how to create facebook fan page
5. After logging in you will be redirected to a page like below image, upload a profile picture from your PC or import from a webiste however you can skip this and later can do this.

step 5 how to create facebook fan page
6. Now fill the below fields, tick yes or no and and then click on "save info", you can also skip this.
step 6 how to create facebook fan page
7. Now you will be redirected to next step like below image,  click on skip you will be redirect to your Facebook fan page.
step 7 how to create facebook fan page
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