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Wednesday, September 25, 2013


10 Awesome ways to increase your blog traffic

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Increase your blog traffic and maximize your blog income by following 10 awesome and easy ways. All success bloggers use these steps for increasing their blog traffic and they get good results and page ranks because of these steps, once you create your blog then you should customize some SEO settings in order to make your blog success because your blog can not be a success one without blog traffic, as blog means to share something online, so when people do not visit your blog it means that your blog purpose is not fulfilling and you become disappointed about your blog and finally you quite blogging. In this post I have mentioned some SEO tips which will increase your blog traffic rapidly, So follow the following steps and I hope you will like and share my this post with your friends and colleagues.

 1. Show your post title before your blog descriptions

If your blog is in blogger.com i.e blogspot then you should follow this steps. Since blogspot blogs shows blog descriptions before post titles by default in search results like below image
In the above image the blog descriptions (The KPK) appears before post title (B4U Movies channel live). while the success blogs show the Post title first and then blog descriptions. So it looks dull and the searchers face problems to find their exact links as they see only the first few characters of the link in alot of links in the search results and they avoid to click your link as they do not see the full link and ignore your link. So you should show your post title first like other success bloggers.
To show post title before blog description follow the following steps.
Step 1. Go to you blogger dashboar > Template > check the "Expand widget template" and find the following code by pressing Ctrl+F button.
Step 2. Now replace the above code with the below code and save your template.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <title> <data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/> </title> <b:else/> <title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </title> </b:if>
After a few days your blog will show in search results like below image.

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