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Sunday, September 08, 2013


the reason behind up to 90% traffic loss since 4-9-13

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Up to 90% traffic loss since Semtember 4
On September 4 I visit my biggest blog's statistics and I was shocked when I saw 80 % drop in my blog visitors. This was a sudden drop in my traffic and I was really disappointed. First I thought that google might has updated a logarithm which penalized my blog. I started googling for latest news about google panda or penguin update but I did not find any news about such updates by google and I was more shocked and thought that google has penalized my blog only. I proceeded to google web master tools but i could not find any thing in Manual Action in search traffic tab. After that I visited different forums where I found many web-masters affected by this sudden action of google.

On different forums some affected people says that google has updated a logarithm which is not true because google pre announce any update, some people says that it is because of page load time which is also incorrect and some people says that it is because of some SEO errors in affected blogs but this is also incorrect becuase I have noticed many popular blogs that even provide SEO tips and consultancy, are now affected by this shit. Many people has reported this issue to Google but no response from google. Matt Cutt the head of Webspam team at Google who works with the Search Quality team on search engine optimization issues is also silent. 

My Conclusion about this issue;

I got the conclusion according to my googling and above facts that it is neither a google update nor some thing wrong in SEO of my blog because many master bloggers and SEO consultants are also facing such a problem. So I realized that this is because of some technical failure in Google search engine.

The Reason of up to 90% traffic loss of many blogs and sites.

Matt Cutts twitter update on 6 september
On 6 September 2013 my point of view proved true when Matt Cutts updated his twitter Profile saying that "Google encrypts data amid backlash against NSA (National Security Agency) spying  Now encrypting traffic between our data centers." He also shared a link to washington post about this matter. In this stage I suggest all those affected blogger not to mess with SEO of your blog and wait for clear response from google.
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