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Sunday, December 16, 2012


The Difference between Gadget and Widget

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gadgets vs widgets
When I started Blogging I was very confused about the difference between blogging related words like Widget and Gadget etc I searched on Internet to know about the difference between Widget and Gadget, I asked this question in Yahoo answers, According to the Yahoo best answer "Widgets can be referred to any icons or graphical interface element that is operated by a computer or internet use to execute a preferred function online or on the computer. Gadget is something similar to widget but it only works on specific set of websites" So when I realized that I am unable to differentiate these terms I wanted to share my this knowledge.
According to my point of view; 
Similarity: Widgets and Gadgets are the aggregate of  scripting languages (html, javascript, php etc) codes which are inserted to a computer, mobile or blog/website etc for making an application or tool.
Example: Calculators, in computer. currency converter in mobiles phones.  Translators ,recent posts social sharing buttons in a blog/website
Difference: The widgets codes are acceptable and works inside of any kind of website/blog computer etc, while Gadgets are only scripted for a particular websites/blogs and computer windows.
Example: Google Gadgets can look and act like widgets. But they only work on Google pages not other sites/blogs.
I hope your concept will be clear. Tell me about if I am right or wrong please comment

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  1. gad. are hardware and wid. are software

    1. just search blogger gadget, you will find blogger gadgets and that are not hardware but a html, css or java script. However the word "gadget" is also used for some hardware tools.!


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